In 2009 our first planting was lots of favorites, donated plants and classroom grown seedlings. In 2010 we planted beds filled with seedlings classes from UPES started from seed and seeds from The Great Veggie Adventure. In 2011, we explored foods from different nationalities, as well as fun and wacky veggies. In 2012, we grew beds filled with veggies and herbs that go together for recipes, ex. The salsa bed! In 2013, we grew Garden Club kid favorites based on cool names, fun growing patterns and high yield harvest! In 2014, we grew based on Children's choice, presenting the seeds and asking the kids what they thought. As well as growing some kitchen scraps! The bed were so full! Great harvest for families. Raspberries, blackberries, and a honeyberry bush are newly planted (2011) along the fence. In 2015 we plan to grow a bed for each grade level at Union Pleasant Elementary School. We will continue to visit classes throughout the winter and leave seed starting kits for the students. We will also harvest lettuce in early June to be used in school lunch the week of harvest at Union Pleasant Elementary. In 2016 the children of UPES planted color beds in the order of the colors of the rainbow! So in the red bed we grew red malabar spinach, red swiss chard, tomatoes, strawberries, red cattle bush beans, cinnamon basil, red flowers and red radish. In the orange bed we grew carrots, orange swiss chard, amber squash, calendula, orange peppers and tomatoes. The yellow bed we grew golden radish, pencil pod beans, sunflowers, lemon tomatoes, yellow squash, yellow beets. The green bed we grew broccoli, lettuce, beans, peppers, green tomatoes, peas. The blue bed we grew blue podded peas, blue leeks, love in the mist flowers, blue bush beans, white icicle radish, borage. In the purple bed we grew carrots, eggplant, purple cabbage, purple beans, purple sage and basil, turnips, beets. In all of the beds volunteers of beautiful flowers, herbs and beautiful garden artwork by the children. 2017 storybook beds Again this year, we grew almost everything from seed but we have also been lucky to have wonderful Local Nurseries donate beautiful plants, Windy Acres Greenhouse, Lockwoods, & Zittels. We strive to grow using organic practices and sustainable methods: